Harry Robinson Automotive Family

My Battery

Is my car battery covered on warranty?

Your vehicles car battery comes with it's own manufacture warranty and is considered to auto manufactures as a "ware out item" just like brakes, hoses and belts.
Extreme weather conditions can wreak havoc on a car battery and a car battery simply needs to be replaced after a time.
Vehicles that sit for long period of time in extreme weather conditions may also need a replacement battery after a time.

Some batteries, but not all batteries, come with month and year stamp on the batter so you can tell how old the battery is. (see image below)

car battery date stamp
If your car battery don't come with dating method you can write the purchase date on the battery with a colored paint pen for reference.

Why won't my vehicle start?
Your car won't start when the volts coming out of the battery get below 12.6'ish volts.  This could be due to harsh weather conditions, a bad car battery that needs to be replaced or you could have left something on in the vehicle that drained the battery.

Will I need a new car battery?

If you car just will not start you may just need a new car battery.  Be sure to provide your YEAR, MAKE and MODEL to the parts desk can get the right car battery for you.  All batteries are different shapes and sizes and not all batteries will fit you car.